Rose Hip, the roborator in wintertime.
Comfrey, healer of the joints, knitter of the bones.
Stinging nettle, the symbol of the nutritional healing.
Réti legyezőfű, a mandulaillatú fű.
Pioneer in the city, pioneer in the kitchen.
The unfearly weed-called vegetable.
The gentle carbohydrate bomb.
Salad, when young, Drug at height of its power, coffee when old.
Úton-útfélen kéznél van...Ha éhes vagy. Ha megcsípett egy rovar. Ha elestél. (...)
Lepényfa, az égig érő babfa.
Dandelion is useful from head to toe or from root to flower. He is an essential plant for the spring cure.
Chervil indulge you with its freshness throughout the year.
2-6 m tall deciduous shrub or small tree. Characterized...